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Shavuot 5783 

Thursday, May 25 ~ 5 Sivan ~ Erev Shavuot

6:45 AM Shacharit

Remember to prepare an eruv tavshilin as well as a flame source for 2nd night candle lighting.

8:28 PM Candle lighting

8:35 PM Mincha/Short shiur/Yom Tov Ma'ariv

Kiddush no earlier than 9:21 PM

11:15 PM Tikun Leil Shavuot - Flyer to download and print


Friday, May 26 ~ 6 Sivan ~ Shavuot I

4:50 AM Sunrise Service

9 AM Yom Tov Shacharit/Hallel/Akdamut/Mussaf

Torah Reading
First Torah: Shavuot Day 1, Shemot 19:1-20:23
Second Torah: Bemidbar 28:26-31

Haftarah: Yechezkel 1:1-28

Derasha by Belaynish Mekonen and kiddush following services. 

8:35 PM Mincha/Maariv for Shabbat Yom Tov

8:28 PM Candle lighting from a pre-existing flame


Shabbat, May 27 ~  7 Sivan ~ Shavuot II

9 AM Shacharit

9:45 AM Women's Reading of Megillat Rut in the social hall

Torah Reading
First Torah: Devarim 14:22 - 16:17
Second Torah: Bemidbar 28:26-31

Haftarah: Chavakuk 2:20 - 3:19

10:30 AM Mini Minyan with Naama & Maayan

10:45 AM Yizkor

Derasha by Judy Snitzer and Kiddush following services

4 PM Shavuot Youth D'var Torah Slam & Ice Cream Bar

8:15 PM Mincha/Seuda Shelishit/Ma'ariv

9:42 PM Shabbat and Yom Tov end

Shavuot 5783 Schedule to Download and Print

Judy Segal z"l Shavuot / Zman Matan Torah Learning Fund will sponsor this year's Shavuot Tikkun and Youth Dvar Torah Slam. Thank you to Wendy Khabie and family for helping to secure this grant in memory of her mother, Judy Segal z"l.  

Women Read Megillah Rut

Volunteer layners will read the Megillah Rut in the social hall at approximately 9:45 AM, concurrent with the reading in shul. Judy Shapiro is coordinating the event.

Kiddush on Shabbat is sponsored by Nisso and Wendy Khabie for the yahrzeits of Wendy's mother Chasha Mindel bat Zussman, z"l, and Nisso's father David ben Frida, z'"l; and by Esther Rubinstein for the yahrzeit of her mother, Freidel bat Yaakov, z"l. Kiddush is dairy, with mac & cheese.

Youth Dvar Torah Slam

We encourage youth from pre-K through high school to participate. The community is invited to attend. Divrei Torah may be on any Torah topic, for 30-seconds to 3-minutes. Our youngest participants can share Torah songs. There will be gift books for all participants and an ice cream bar for everyone. Contact Rabbi Davis for ideas or assistance and let him know if your kids will likely participate.

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