Wellness and Community
Darchei Noam Chesed Hotline
If you are facing a physical or mental health challenge (your own or that of a family member) or are in need of some extra support, please consider reaching out to the Darchei Noam Chesed Hotline. You will be able to receive support from a sympathetic Darchei member, who will also be able to connect you with appropriate resources. These might include: meals, Zoom visits or calls, financial assistance, help with shopping, instruction in meditation, and/or pastoral support. If this would be helpful to you, please contact Rabbi Davis or one of the following volunteers: Meredith Anderson, Lili Garfinkel, Miriam Garland, Rafi Geretz, Debbie Baumgarten Kusnetz, Marilyn Levi-Baumgarten, Marshall Mintz, Ed Rapoport or Joram Slager.
You can also send an email to chesed@darcheinoammn.org.
If unavailable, the volunteer will try to return your call or email in a timely manner. All calls will be strictly confidential.
Breathing & Mind Exercises for Relaxation & Stress Relief (pdf)
Finding Equanimity During Challenging Times: Your Inner Resource (pdf)
4 Minute Body Scan, Breathing, Loving (mp3 audio)