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Wednesday, October 16 - Erev Sukkot


Note - Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin before Yom Tov

Shacharit 6:45 AM

Candle lighting for Sukkot Yom Tov is 6:07 PM

6:15 PM Mincha / Ma'ariv for Yom Tov


Thursday, October 17 - Sukkot 1


9:00 AM Shacharit

Kiddush in the Sukkah sponsored by Schelomo & Tamar Marmor honoring the yahrzeit of Schelomo's mother Atara Marmor z"l

4:00 PM Sukkah Hop - Meet at Darchei (Rainout date: Sukkot Day 2)

6:10 PM Mincha / Ma'ariv

7:07 PM Candle lighting from a pre-existing flame


Friday, October 18 - Sukkot 2


9:00 AM Shacharit

Kiddush in the Sukkah sponsored by Lis & Gary Shapiro in memory of Lis's mother Bettje Vomberg z"l, whose Shloshim was observed last week.

6:04 PM Candle lighting from a pre-existing flame

6:10 PM Mincha / Ma'ariv for Shabbat


Shabbat, October 19 - Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot 


9:00 AM Shacharit

9:45 AM Megilat Kohelet and concurrent Women's Kohelet reading in the social hall

Kiddush in the Sukkah is sponsored by Shira & Ron Krebs honoring the yahrzeit of Shira's mother, Brenda Katz, Batya Rachel bat Yaakov v'Rivkah z"l and by Marc & Mirium Trius in honor of the first birthdays of their children Ruthie and Nahum.  


4:30 - 5:45 PM Bnei Akiva

5:55 PM Mincha / Seudah Shlishit

Bring a coat and your voice for Seudah Shlishit in the Sukkah with extra zemirot and 'Darchei cider' for Sukkot!

7:05 PM Havdallah

עם ישראל חי
Congregation Darchei Noam דרכי נועם

A Modern Orthodox Synagogue

in St. Louis Park, Minnesota

© 2024 by Darchei Noam

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