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News & Upcoming Events

Thank You   תּוׄרָה רַבָּה
Thank you to all who helped with last Sunday's Chesed Blanket Making gathering.  Special thanks to organizers and set-up crew Heather Fruen and Fran and Hannah Biel.

Mazal Tov!  !מזל טוב
​​​Mazal Tov to Irv and Beverly Thorne on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Yossi Rokach in Chicago last Shabbat!  May Yossi continue to be a source of nachas going from strength to strength.

JCRC Annual Meeting with special guest Ambassador Dennis Ross

Wednesday, September 18, 7:00-8:30 PM
Adath Jeshurun Congregation

Ambassador Dennis Ross, veteran diplomat, peace negotiator, and critically acclaimed author, will speak at the upcoming JCRC annual meeting. Register HERE for this event.

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