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News & Upcoming Events
Thank You תּוׄרָה רַבָּה
Thank you to all who helped with last Sunday's Chesed Blanket Making gathering. Special thanks to organizers and set-up crew Heather Fruen and Fran and Hannah Biel.
Mazal Tov! !מזל טוב
Mazal Tov to Irv and Beverly Thorne on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Yossi Rokach in Chicago last Shabbat! May Yossi continue to be a source of nachas going from strength to strength.
JCRC Annual Meeting with special guest Ambassador Dennis Ross
Wednesday, September 18, 7:00-8:30 PM
Adath Jeshurun Congregation
Ambassador Dennis Ross, veteran diplomat, peace negotiator, and critically acclaimed author, will speak at the upcoming JCRC annual meeting. Register HERE for this event.
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