Chol Haom'ed
Shemini Atzeret
Simchat Torah
Chol HaMo’ed ~ Monday - Thursday, October 2 -5
6:45 AM Shacharit
6:30 PM Mincha & Ma’ariv
Hoshanah Rabbah ~ Friday, October 6
6:30 AM Shacharit
6:26 PM Candle lighting for Shabbat & Yom Tov*
6:30 PM Mincha & Ma’ariv
Yom Tov Shemini Atzeret ~ Shabbat, October 7
9:00 AM Shacharit
9:45 AM Megillat Kohelet and
Women’s Megillat Kohelet Reading
10:50 AM Yizkor
Following services:
Derasha by Shira Krebs
Kiddush, sponsored by Shira & Ron Krebs in honor of the first yahrzeit of Shira's mother, Brenda Katz, Batya Rachel bat Yakov v'Rivkah, z"l.
6:10 PM Mincha & Seudah Shelishis
7:15 Ma’ariv
7:27 Candle lighting from a pre-existing flame
7:30 PM Hakafot
Yom Tov Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah
Sunday, October 8
9:00 AM Shacharit
9:40 AM Hakafot
10:15 AM Women’s Torah Reading
~1:00 PM Following services, Kiddush and barbecue
6:30 PM Mincha
7:25 PM Ma’ariv
*Make sure to have an additional long-lasting source of flame (e.g., a yahrzeit candle) for candle lighting for the second night of Yom Tov.
Special Events
Women Reading
At the same time as the main service
Shmini Atzeret ~ Shabbat, October 7
9:45 AM Women will read Megillat Kohelet
Simchat Torah ~ Sunday, October 8
10:15 AM Women's Torah Reading
Simchat Torah BBQ
Simchat Torah Sunday, October 8 following services
One of our most popular annual events, this barbecue is a Yom Yov meal including Kiddush, Motzi and Birkat HaMazon.
RSVP to and tell us the number of attendees and if any are vegetarians. We need to know how much food to purchase.
$13/adult and $6/child (ages 3-13). $50 family maximum
Send checks or cash to the shul or pay online.
Write Simchat Torah BBQ in the comment or memo line.
Do not bring payment to shul on Yom Tov.
Thank you Elliot Davis and Rachel Jonas for your generous sponsorship in honor of your daughter Eva's birthday.
If you’d like to help sponsor this event, contact Rabbi Davis.