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News & Upcoming Events

Eruv of Minnesota Campaign

The Eruv of Minnesota is conducting its annual campaign to raise funds for the operation and maintenance of our Community Eruv. Please show that you value the Eruv and respond generously by mailing a check to 4800 W 27th St, Minneapolis, MN 55416 or making an online payment from the link to PayPal (not a logo) on the Eruv of Minnesota Facebook page.

Mazal Tov!  !מזל טוב

Mazal Tov to Shira Masha & Amichai Cohen on the bris and naming of Noam Dov Ber in Israel!  Dov Ber is named for his great-grandfather and founding Darchei Noam member, Berel Miller z"l.  Mazal Tov to grandparents Arnie & Hindy Frishman and to great-grandmother Florence Miller.

Mazal Tov to Judy & Jerel Shapiro upon the birth and naming of their granddaughter Tohar Libi, born to Rachel & Itamar Davies in Israel!

May the children grow in health, happiness and love of Yahadut surrounded by loving family and community.

Thank You ~ תודה רבה


Thank you to all who helped make possible our record-setting Second Seder at Darchei with more than 60 participants. Special thanks to Meredith Anderson for shopping and culinary efforts; to Leah Golberstein for cooking assistance and generous sponsorship of the Seder; to Bob Kusnetz for coordinating security throughout Pesach; and to Ariel Brudoley for the lighting and HVAC programming. L'Shanah Haba'ah Biyerushalayim!


If you attended the Seder and have not yet contributed (and you are financially able to do so,) please send cash or checks made out to "Darchei Noam" with "Second Seder" in the memo.  You can also donate online at Enter "Second Seder" in the comment box.


Thank you Allan & Marilyn Levi-Baumgarten for generously sponsoring and organizing last night's Pesach hotdog roast. Thank you to all who contributed desserts and drinks.


Thank you Orit & Renana for hosting a Bnei Akiva youth gathering at their home Erev Pesach. 

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